Caregiver Resources
While the patient is our number one priority in the St. Elizabeth Cancer Care program, their caregivers are a close second. We see firsthand each day the positive impact and crucial support that caregivers provide to their loved ones during their cancer journey.
While the role of caregiver is unique to each specific situation, in general caregivers:
It’s important to remember that there is a distinct difference between showing support and taking charge. Your loved one is going through a difficult journey; your role in his or her journey is challenging in a different way. Make sure to communicate with each other and empower your loved one to do everything they still feel up to doing. It may feel as if they’re doing “too much” – but it’s important for your loved one to feel normal wherever and whenever they can.

Learn More
For more information, please contact your oncologist or the Cancer Care Center at
(859) 301-4000.
Caregivers: Take Care of Yourself Too
It’s easy to get so caught up in being a caregiver that you forget to take care of yourself too. Putting yourself last doesn’t help anyone – it causes you to get run-down and more susceptible to getting sick.
Try incorporating the following tips into your daily routine: