Cancer Screenings

Often, cancers begin with no warning signs or symptoms. To find cancer at an early stage when it is most treatable, you should follow your physician’s recommended screening guidelines. If you have a family history of certain cancers or are a regular smoker, your doctor may recommend starting screenings earlier and having them more frequently.

Talk to your primary care physician about when you should have your cancer screenings. If you need help finding a primary care physician, please call (800) 737-7900.

Lung CT scan

Lung Cancer Screening

Low-dose CT image scans are available to screen for lung cancer. Take a health risk assessment to see if you qualify for screening.

Genetics Screening

For more information about the genetic testing offered at St. Elizabeth, please call the Genetics department at (859) 301-GENE (4363).

Skin Cancer Prevention

Skin Cancer Screening

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Our specialists perform preventive procedures and in-office biopsies. We have access to every treatment option for all types of skin cancer—from curettage and desiccation for smaller tumors to surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy for larger tumors.

Colon Cancer Screening

We offer a variety of colon cancer screening options, including simple take-home screenings. Learn which option is best for you by downloading the guide and discussing it with your primary care physician.

Gynecologic Cancer Screening

St. Elizabeth recommends patients visit an OB/GYN physician for annual exams and routine pap smears.

Breast Cancer Screening

Mammograms, including 3D mammograms are offered at St. Elizabeth. A Mobile Mammography Unit also travels to locations in Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati.

Breast Cancer Screening

Talk to Your Provider Today

Talk to your primary care physician about when you should have your cancer screenings. If you need help finding a primary care physician, please call (800) 737-7900.

Freedom From Smoking

In addition to screenings, quitting smoking can help improve health. If you need help quitting, join a free smoking cessation class.