Substance Use Disorders

Substance Use Resources

For Help with Substance Use Disorders

Substance Use Disorder or drug addiction is a complex disease that evolves over time. It begins with early experimentation of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs either recreationally or as a perceived quick fix for depression, sadness, loneliness, and other emotional or life challenges. Too often early use extends to regular use which can lead to dependence and addiction. Treatment options are available and recovery is possible.

Experiencing a medical emergency?

If facing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Department for care.

Uncertain whether to go to the emergency department?

During regular office hours, call Journey Recovery Center to speak to a trained staff member who can help you assess your situation.
Call the Nurse Now helpline for after hours care.

Looking for additional resources?

For help about Opioid/Substance Use Disorders, call The Northern Kentucky Addiction Helpline or visit Kentucky Addiction Treatment

For Those Who have Lost a loved one to substance use disorders.

P.E.A.C.E. Group (People Enduring Addiction Consequences Everyday)

What: This is a support group for anyone who is learning to cope with loss of a loved one from the disease of addiction.

When: The group meets the first Tuesday of each month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Where: Community Grief Support Center, 483 South Loop Drive, Edgewood, Kentucky 41017

Who: For more information, please contact our Bereavement Coordinators by phone (859) 301-4611 or email

Please note: The PEACE group will be May 9th at 6pm instead of May 16th.

Sadie The Science Lady

Sadie the Science Lady wants everyone to know the dangers of vaping. This unique 13-video series focused on educating students ages 8-14 about the risks of vaping and e-cigarette use.

Find Hope. Right Here.

There are many pathways to recovery. Our Journey Recovery Center staff are uniquely trained to partner with you, your family, and other members of your healthcare team to create a patient-centered plan for recovery based on your specific needs.